Part of preparation is knowing exactly what kind of disasters you might face and knowing what to do in each situation. Living in Montana? You probably don’t need to worry about hurricanes. California? Better be ready for an earthquake, but don’t overlook your chances of severe weather or pandemic flu.
The time to figure these things out isn’t while a hurricane is bearing down on your home, or after a tsunami warning has been issued. Evacuations are actually pretty common, so it will serve you well to know the details ahead of time. You should also know the escape routes from your own home, including the more obscure ones, like out that ground-level window in your bathroom. If you have kids, draw them a map and post it near their door. You should also plan where your family will regroup if you must evacuate your house. Pick one location right outside your home, and one outside the neighborhood, in case you must leave the area. Decide ahead of time where you would go in case of an evacuation.
FEMA: Six important Things To Know Before a Disaster
Here’s a list of survival tips that can save your life in an emergency. We live in a time when natural disasters occur more and more often and get more and more devastating. Many of us believe we should blame the human race for that. Whether it’s true or not, we all want to know how to survive when those disasters happen.
FEMA: This video teaches children what to do in different types of severe weather—such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and extreme heat or cold—and what they can do to prepare.
Education for disaster preparedness can provide life-saving and life-sustaining information and skills that protect in particular children and young people during and after emergencies. Disasters are not natural, they only occur when people lack preparedness or the ability to cope with hazards: it is the combination of an exposed and ill-prepared population or community with a hazard event that results in a disaster.